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Florida Eminent Domain Blog | Gregory W. Stoner
The Florida Eminent Domain Law Firm, PA
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Real Estate Trends for 2010 and Beyond
The real estate market in Florida got hit worse than most of the rest of the country during the recent economic downturn, and at this point it is hard to know where things are going. Nobody has a crystal ball, but here are some of the trends most predict in the coming year for Florida real estate.
- Most agree housing prices will stabilize after most markets saw positive activity at the end of last year.
- Foreclosures will continue as people who bought houses at the peak of the boom are forced to unload heavily mortgaged homes.
- Foreclosed and short sale homes will be aggressively sought by investors and first-time buyers looking to get the most home for their money.
- Commercial real estate will continue to fall as businesses contract and consolidate their operations.
- Tourism will rebound, but it will be different. People will be prepared to spend more time if it saves money. Look for more tourists to drive rather than fly this year, and expect everyone to be looking for bargains.
- In the long term Florida property will regain its value.
Florida property has inherent value that will endure over the long-term and is worth protecting. If a government agency is looking to take advantage of the current economic climate and acquire your property on the cheap through eminent domain, don't just accept a bid far below the actual value of your property.
To protect your long-term investment from government predation in these hard economic times, contact the eminent domain lawyers at the Florida Property Rights Law Firm, PA today.
posted by Tiffany at 3:17 PM
hi why don't you have your information to contact you on your web site a person should'nt have to put in there information just to get a hold you.that's not a way to do business you need to fix it.
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