Guide to Florida Eminent Domain Law
Eminent Domain Process
Your Property Rights
Challenging the Government
Eminent Domain Definitions
Getting Full Compensation
Hiring an Eminent Domain Attorney
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Florida Eminent Domain Blog | Gregory W. Stoner
The Florida Eminent Domain Law Firm, PA
Monday, May 31, 2010
Steps to Fight Eminent Domain
The condemnation process is tightly prescribed by the Florida statutes, and in every step of the process, there are things you can do to protect your property rights.
First, Florida law requires that any condemning authority engage you in good-faith negotiations to purchase your property outright. This offer must include important information about the project and portions of your property required for the project's completion. At this point, you have only 30 days to respond to the offer by certified mail, which means you must act quickly. In writing, request information about the assessment used to determine the value of your property. This assessment will give you valuable information for protecting your property or getting full compensation.
The next thing to do is to contact an eminent domain lawyer. Florida is one of the leading states in the country in terms of protecting property owners' rights. With skilled help, you may be able to stop the condemnation, or, if that fails, ensure you get maximum compensation to reflect the personal dimensions of losing your property.
Then it is time to rally support to fight the project that threatens your property. Talk to neighbors about the project. Contact any historical societies that might be able to help rally support. Talk to any reporters who have covered the story, or, if none have, contact local media outlets with the information you have gathered. Write op-ed pieces or letters to the editor and build a website to publicize your struggle.
You can also see our tips to fight eminent domain page for more information on how to maximize your odds in a fight for your property, and contact us today for a free consultation with our eminent domain lawyers.
posted by Tiffany at 10:17 AM
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