Guide to Florida Eminent Domain Law
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Florida Eminent Domain Blog | Gregory W. Stoner
The Florida Eminent Domain Law Firm, PA
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Eminent Domain for Sewer and Water Projects
If a new development is being built in your area, it will need access to municipal water supplies. Chances are that current pipes will not be sufficient to supply the new development and new sewer lines may need to be installed to remove waste. These pipes may be planned to go through your property.
Putting a sewer or water line under your property requires a special grant from you known as an easement. An easement allows people to use your property for a specific purpose. In the case of a sewer or water line, remember that an easement means not only that your property can be used for placing the line, but also for maintenance.
If you do not want to allow the sewer line, it may be possible to fight eminent domain if the line is going to serve a private development. Florida law forbids the use of eminent domain to serve private interests, and this argument may be used to stop a proposed sewer or water line.
Even if you cannot prevent an easement, an experienced eminent domain lawyer can help you get maximum compensation for your property rights. Please call or email the Florida Property Rights Law Firm, P.A. to learn more about your rights and how to protect them.
posted by Tiffany at 8:44 AM
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