Guide to Florida Eminent Domain Law
Eminent Domain Process
Your Property Rights
Challenging the Government
Eminent Domain Definitions
Getting Full Compensation
Hiring an Eminent Domain Attorney
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Florida Eminent Domain Blog | Gregory W. Stoner
The Florida Eminent Domain Law Firm, PA
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Hiring an Eminent Domain Attorney
When to hire an attorney. You may learn about an upcoming eminent domain action before receiving official notice, which is the time to start researching your options. However, government planning is notoriously changeable. Agency budgets, political maneuvering, and contract restrictions can change a project or delay it for years, so it may be a long time before your property is targeted, if ever. The time to actually talk to an eminent domain attorney is when you get your initial fair market value offer.
How to find the right attorney. Talk to friends and family if they have experience with eminent domain attorneys. Listen to their experience and decide whether you would like to work with their attorneys. However, it's also a good idea to research other options. And it is generally a good idea to talk to multiple attorneys so you have a good idea about what separates them. Talk to them about their trial experience, previous verdicts, and about the circumstances of your case. Have them evaluate your offer and tell you how far off it is from what you might ultimately expect. Listen to their strategies for getting you full compensation and decide which one you like best.
You may think hiring an eminent domain attorney will be expensive, but in most cases, it will only profit you. The attorney's fees will be based on how much the attorney is able to win for you and by law will be paid by the government agency.
At the Florida Property Rights Law Firm, we can help you fight eminent domain or get full compensation for your property. To talk to us about your case, please contact us today.
posted by Admin at 7:57 AM