Guide to Florida Eminent Domain Law
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Florida Eminent Domain Blog | Gregory W. Stoner
The Florida Eminent Domain Law Firm, PA
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Code Enforcement Can Be Guise for Eminent Domain Abuse
Since Florida law prohibits the use of eminent domain to eliminate blight or to take property from one private owner and give it to another private owner, some municipalities have sought alternate methods for acquiring property it considers to be undesirable. Code inspectors descend on targeted neighborhoods and cite home owners for numerous code violations, and may give penalties that can amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars and may increase daily. Failure to pay allows the government to take your property to settle the debt.
However, in the past these schemes have been exposed for what they are: illegal land grabs. If you are being faced with this situation, you may also be able to protect your property from unreasonable code enforcement and seizure.
At the Florida Property Rights Law Firm, we can help protect your property from illegal takings and, in the event of a legitimate use of eminent domain, ensure you get full compensation for the value of lost property. To learn more, please call or email us today to schedule a consultation.
posted by Admin at 7:48 AM