Guide to Florida Eminent Domain Law
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Challenging the Government
Eminent Domain Definitions
Getting Full Compensation
Hiring an Eminent Domain Attorney
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Eminent Domain Used to Preserve History
Controversy Continues Over Using Eminent Domain to...
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The Nature of the Power of Eminent Domain
Change in Shape of Your Property Entitles You to S...
Florida Eminent Domain Bill Passes in the House
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Florida Eminent Domain Blog | Gregory W. Stoner
The Florida Eminent Domain Law Firm, PA
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Small Business and Eminent Domain
You have worked hard to make your small business work. After long hours, stress, and the attendant pains that come along with them; through the family troubles that can come from pouring so much of your effort into your business; past the mere hope of success and the dreadful fear of failure, you have come through and your small business is making it day in and day out.
And then you receive notice that it can will all be taken away from you with eminent domain, and you will be left only with what the city or state considers "fair compensation." Now, all of a sudden, the work you have done is put in jeopardy and you will have to begin again in a new location, facing all new risks of failure.
You don't have to just accept the government's action. You can fight eminent domain and win. To learn more about protecting your small business from eminent domain and receiving maximum compensation if you do have to sell your property, please read our page on small businesses and eminent domain or contact the Florida Property Rights Law Firm, PA today.
posted by Admin at 1:50 PM