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Florida Eminent Domain Blog | Gregory W. Stoner
The Florida Eminent Domain Law Firm, PA
Monday, April 20, 2009
Martin County Commissioners Approve Changes to Eminent Domain Rules
A cure is a plan to restore maximal use to the property subject to a partial taking. What constitutes a sufficient cure is determined by the court and, in most cases, with reference to local zoning ordinances.
But not so in Martin County any more. On March 3, Martin County Commissioners approved a proposal by FDOT to change the way partial takings are considered. According to the new rules, the county Board of Zoning Adjustments has the power to waive county regulations on property severed by partial takings. Regulations that might be waived include the minimum lot size allowed for a residential house or the minimum number of parking spaces required for a business. This may allow FDOT and other condemning authorities to offer cut-rate cures that leave homeowners with tiny, inadequate lots, and businesses with insufficient parking to remain viable.
The approval came over the objections of the Martin County Local Planning Agency, whose chairman objected, "Eminent domain should never be easy and it shouldn't be fast." In addition, the chairman said, "the property owner needs as much protection as they can possibly get."
Commissioners also voted to apply the new rules to the Indian Street Bridge Project, which will connect Palm City and Stuart over the St. Lucie River.
FDOT is floating similar proposals in numerous counties throughout the state. If your county commissioners are considering such a proposal, tell them to stand up for your right to full compensation and just cures following partial takings.
If your property is subject to a partial taking, you need an eminent domain lawyer with the experience and expertise to propose adequate cures and get them accepted by a jury. Please call or email us today to schedule a severance damages consultation with the Florida Property Rights Law Firm, P.A.
posted by Anonymous at 2:34 PM