Guide to Florida Eminent Domain Law
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Eminent Domain Used to Preserve History
Controversy Continues Over Using Eminent Domain to...
California Eminent Domain Controversy over Foreclo...
The Measure and Method for Determining Compensatio...
The Nature of the Power of Eminent Domain
Change in Shape of Your Property Entitles You to S...
Florida Eminent Domain Bill Passes in the House
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Florida Eminent Domain Laws
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Florida Eminent Domain Blog | Gregory W. Stoner
The Florida Eminent Domain Law Firm, PA
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Eminent Domain Used to Preserve History
Historically, black residents of Bartow were buried at the site, and in the 1800s a group of trustees were deeded the land and agreed to oversee the care of the property. However, those trustees have long passed and the maintenance job was left to a few volunteers who cannot keep up with its care.
With eminent domain, the city can acquire the property and make sure it is well maintained. Since no one is left of the original trustees to compensate for the taking, the city should be able to take the property at little or no cost.
posted by Admin at 3:25 PM
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Controversy Continues Over Using Eminent Domain to Save Foreclosures
In a recent report Cornell professor Robert Hockett, suggested that the eminent domain process may be the answer for municipalities trying to help struggling homeowners keep their property. San Bernardino County in California has already rejected the use of eminent domain for this purpose, and other areas, such as Chicago and Suffolk County in New York have considered it.
Advocates of the idea, like professor Hockett, say that writing down private mortgages on such a large scale would be almost impossible to carry out, so letting eminent domain authorities step in to take property and create new loans for homeowners is the best solution. Opponents argue that using eminent domain to relieve pressures on struggling homeowners would only serve to increase the cost of lending in these hard-hit areas.
If you need help with an eminent domain proceeding, please call 800-914-8661 or contact Florida Property Rights Law Firm today for your free consultation. We help clients in Bonita Springs, Jacksonville, and throughout the state of Florida.
posted by Admin at 3:52 PM
Friday, May 31, 2013
California Eminent Domain Controversy over Foreclosures Comes to an End
posted by Admin at 6:50 AM
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
The Measure and Method for Determining Compensation for Eminent Domain Cases
- Comparable
sales in your area for similar properties
- Income that
your property is capable of producing
- Cost of
producing a similar building, less depreciation, in addition to the value
of the lot
posted by Admin at 6:50 AM
Monday, May 27, 2013
The Nature of the Power of Eminent Domain
posted by Admin at 6:49 AM
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Change in Shape of Your Property Entitles You to Severance Damages
posted by Admin at 6:48 AM
Friday, April 26, 2013
Florida Eminent Domain Bill Passes in the House
posted by Admin at 2:00 PM